Working Women Wednesday: Domestic Violence Awareness Edition with Natalie Baird #TheNowTampaBay

Working Women Wednesday: Domestic Violence Awareness Edition with Natalie Baird #TheNowTampaBay

Natalie tells us how she went from domestic violence victim, to survivor, to advocate. She’s got an amazing story that you should hear.

Local woman writes book about how to get past trauma with forgiveness

Local woman writes book about how to get past trauma with forgiveness ​ June 25, 2024 TAMPA, Fla. — Natalie Baird-King is the author of “Forgiving Unforgivable,” a book about
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HerStory: Natalie Baird-King

HerStory: Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 “I am 53 years old. I grew up in a mid-sized town in Florida called Lakeland and have been living in the Tampa Bay
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INICIVOX Career Workshop

INICIVOX Career Workshop June 16, 2024 How can you avoid feeling awkward when family members start asking career advancement questions when you really haven’t advanced that much? What’s the best
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TEDxBradenton: Rewriting the future through forgiveness

TEDxBradenton: Rewriting the future through forgiveness June 16, 2024 NOTE FROM TED: This talk discusses abuse and suicidal ideation. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give
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HerStory: Natalie Baird-King

HerStory: Natalie Baird-King

“I am 53 years old. I grew up in a mid-sized town in Florida called Lakeland and have been living in the Tampa Bay area for over 30 years. I grew up in a dysfunctional family. My father was physically, emotionally, and psychologically abusive to my mother, myself, and my three siblings. To escape the abuse, I got married at 19 years old. That marriage ended in 6 short years. The year of my divorce became one of the most life-changing times in my life. In my search to find what true love was, I met Shane. After dating a short time, I was isolated from friends and family and that’s when the abuse began. The first incident was when he threw me on the floor and strangled me until I passed out. I tried to escape and filed a restraining order, but that did not stop him from stalking me. The final incident of abuse changed my life forever. He broke my left arm when I attempted to escape. I was forced to move out of central Florida and moved to South Florida as a result. While piecing my life back together, I decided to go to law school to help other women escape abusive relationships. I graduated in 2001 and have been practicing family law, with a primary focus on domestic violence cases, for over 20 years. I am considered an expert in my field of domestic violence. And I have had the privilege to focus my career on mediation practice where I assist families to reach a settlement to avoid having a Judge decide their future.

My struggles began as a little girl. I remember when I was 6 years old when my dad shoved my mother into their bedroom and started beating her with his belt. My sister and I hid in our bedroom closet. We sat there in fear for several hours. Fearful for our mother’s life. Fearful whether we were his next victims. Fear turned to anger over time. Angry that he called himself a “devote Christian” even though he became the devil incarnate and beat his children and his wife. There were many times that he abused us. And when we all left home, the abuse we endured turned from physical to emotional and psychological abuse.

It wasn’t always bad. There were many good times with my dad. But when things were bad, they were really really bad. When they were good they were really really good.

My forgiveness journey began 11 years ago. I wanted to forgive my dad but I couldn’t bring myself to venture down that path. And then I was faced with a challenging, life-changing event where I knew I had to choose. I was about to take the stage to be a Keynote speaker for a local domestic violence shelter. I was speaking about domestic violence and my journey as a survivor. My husband at the time, Cory, had driven to the home I grew up in to check on my dad. My mother had asked for him to check on my dad because she was out of town visiting my sister and nieces and could not reach him by phone for a day and a half. I was angry Cory couldn’t attend my speech to support me. I remember walking over to the venue from my office all by myself. I remember thinking, “Can’t he just die”. With anger, resentment, and bitterness, I arrived at the convention center. Just before I was ready to take the stage, Cory called our friend’s phone to speak with me. When I accepted the phone, Cory said, “Nat I’m so sorry. He’s gone.” I never took the stage that day. And shortly after his death was when I started searching for forgiveness.

My path to forgiveness was anything but easy. I wanted to forgive him and I also wanted to forgive myself for what I thought and said that day. I often thought maybe I caused his death because of my thoughts. Consequently, I carried guilt and shame in my life every day. All these emotions caused me to be depressed and I felt lost in life. All I knew was that I could not live that life anymore. There had to be more to this life on earth than how I was living.

Recently, I authored “Forgiving Unforgivable—The 4 Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma, Stand Empowered, and Step into Purpose” [due to be published at the end of this Summer]. What I discovered in my quest to find forgiveness is that forgiveness was never for my father. It was for me. I found freedom through forgiveness for my father and all those who caused me pain. Freedom from the pain of the past. Freedom to live my purpose on this earth.

In finding forgiveness, I discovered 4 steps. Step (1): Recall the memory/event that caused me pain. I did not relive the event. I recalled it as an observer. This by far was the hardest step. I was able to attain this step through meditation and attending an Ayahuasca retreat center. These methods helped me so I could face those memories as an observer. There are many many methods people can use to accomplish Step 1. Such as therapy, yoga, meditation, prayer, breathwork, psychedelics, and others. Each person must decide which method(s) works best for them. Step (2): Feel the emotion from the event that caused me pain. I had to see myself as that little girl sitting in her closet as my dad was beating my mom. I had to feel the fear which I lived with every day, and which controlled every decision in my life. I had to feel anger after he stopped beating my mom. Angry that he was hurting my mom and hurting us. I saw how anger showed up daily, weekly, and monthly in my life. How it was impacting my relationships and how it was showing up in my parenting with my own daughter. This step was extremely painful to see as I saw all the pain I caused those who I love.  Step (3): I had to realize that the act of forgiveness was not for my dad or those men who hurt me, it was for me. An act of forgiveness doesn’t change the person we forgave. It changes us. It allows us to remember the past without pain. It allows us to realize that everything that happens in our life happens for us not to us. Step three is eye-opening for our growth. And last, Step (4): Release the emotions which are tied to the past and Accept FREEDOM. When I was able to release the fear, anger, bitterness, resentment, shame, and guilt which all were tied to those past memories, I felt free. Free that those memories no longer dictate my emotional state today. Free that they were in the past—where they belong. When I achieved step 4, it was as if a cloak of happiness was placed over my life and I changed from that moment forward. No longer was uncontrollable anger or depression appearing in my life. I was free and able to live my purpose. My purpose is to help others see how forgiveness is the key to living a happy, joyful, and grateful life.

In my journey to forgiving the unforgivable acts that I survived, I was faced with a crossroad. A crossroad where I either had to choose to live the same unhappy life I was living or venture into an unknown path. I chose the latter. We tell ourselves myths about forgiveness. Such as, “If I forgive them then my act of forgiveness excuses the offender’s behavior and gives them a free pass.” Or, “I just need to forgive and forget”. Those are myths. My forgiveness for my father never excused his behavior. Nor can I ever forget what I endured.

At what cost would you pay for freedom? At what cost would you pay to live the life you have always wanted? Free of all the chains of the past that hold you back? For me, the answer was, “AT ALL COSTS”. That’s when I knew I was ready.

Everyone’s timing is different. But once you understand that forgiveness is the key to living an amazing life, your logic will tell you it’s time. And you too will be faced with the crossroad to choose from.

Never in my dreams did I think I would become an expert at forgiveness. But as a result of being open and willing to forgive, my dreams have and are coming true. I am soon to publish my book. I have been selected to give a Ted Talk on forgiveness. And my life’s dream to be an inspirational speaker is on the horizon.

Dreams do come true. For me, they have come true through finding forgiveness.”



Local woman writes book about how to get past trauma with forgiveness

Local woman writes book about how to get past trauma with forgiveness ​ June 25, 2024 TAMPA, Fla. — Natalie Baird-King is the author of “Forgiving Unforgivable,” a book about
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Working Women Wednesday: Domestic Violence Awareness Edition with Natalie Baird #TheNowTampaBay

Working Women Wednesday: Domestic Violence Awareness Edition with Natalie Baird #TheNowTampaBay June 16, 2024 Natalie tells us how she went from domestic violence victim, to survivor, to advocate. She’s got
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INICIVOX Career Workshop

INICIVOX Career Workshop June 16, 2024 How can you avoid feeling awkward when family members start asking career advancement questions when you really haven’t advanced that much? What’s the best
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TEDxBradenton: Rewriting the future through forgiveness

TEDxBradenton: Rewriting the future through forgiveness June 16, 2024 NOTE FROM TED: This talk discusses abuse and suicidal ideation. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give
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Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing?

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing?

Have you ever been ambushed by the feeling of forgiveness at a show? It’s crazy, and honestly, a total revelation to realize the close connection between live music and experiencing forgiveness in our lives and during our most memorable live music experiences. We never thought that the act of forgiveness played such a major role in our concert experiences or that live music could actually be a catalyst creating moments to give and receive forgiveness. But it does. On this episode of Live Fix Podcast we dive into the close relationship between live music and forgiveness. Join us as we explore the powerful and transformative connection of using live music to give and receive forgiveness with special guest and forgiveness expert Natalie Baird-King.

Highlights, notes and links from the show:

How to navigate serendipitous forgiveness moments

How to create intentional moments to help you experience forgiveness at your next show.

Natalie takes us through the role live music plays in her personal journey of forgiveness and overcoming abuse

She shares concert experiences including U2, Journey, Taylor Swift, King & Country, Luke Combs, Michael Jackson and more.

Natalie’s book Forgiving Unforgivable

Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story

Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story June 16, 2024 Can you imagine forging an iron will and becoming an advocate after going through child abuse and
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How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains the topic of domestic abuse. DISCLAIMER: You should always consult a licensed physician or
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Happy New Year Ayahuasca!

Happy New Year Ayahuasca! June 16, 2024 Cal brings in the New Year with a conversation that takes his friend Natalie Baird-King from hell to heaven. After getting overwhelmed by
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Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King

Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 This chapter focuses on the challenges of mediating cases that involve narcissistic individuals, particularly in the context of legal disputes.
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Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story

Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story

Can you imagine forging an iron will and becoming an advocate after going through child abuse and domestic violence? Our guest today, Natalie Baird King, an accomplished family law attorney and survivor, has done just that. Drawing on the strength she found in her trauma, Natalie now helps others navigate through their own experiences and thrive beyond them. In a compelling conversation, she recounts her personal journey of survival, her transformation into a relentless advocate, and how she harnessed her past to fuel her passion for family law.

Venturing into the heart of domestic violence, Natalie sheds light on the intricacies that often entangle victims with their abusers. We delve into the financial and emotional ties that bind, the power dynamics at play, and the vital role of self-respect in breaking free from this cycle of abuse. Natalie reveals her personal voyage of forgiveness that began with a devastating incident involving her father, setting the stage for an enlightening discussion.

The power of healing and forgiveness takes center stage as we navigate through our conversation. Natalie lays out a path to healing, offering advice on overcoming guilt and shame that often ensnare survivors of trauma. She also shares her views on varied techniques – from therapy and yoga to breath work and meditation – that can aid in the healing process. Listen in as we journey through trauma’s strength, the healing process, and the liberating power of forgiveness, all through the lens of Natalie Baird King’s inspiring journey. Be sure to catch a glimpse of her upcoming book, “Forgiving Unforgivable”, that promises a deep dive into overcoming trauma and embracing one’s purpose.

Go check out all of our episodes on our website:

If you are ready to tell your story or want to refer someone, please email me at [email protected]

***Last thing- I’d love to interview the following women:

Joan Jett Dolly Parton Viola Davis Ina Garten Maybe you can help me get there****

Thank you all for supporting this show and all of the Women in the Arena!!

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing?

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing? June 16, 2024 Have you ever been ambushed by the feeling of forgiveness at a show? It’s crazy, and
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How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains the topic of domestic abuse. DISCLAIMER: You should always consult a licensed physician or
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Happy New Year Ayahuasca!

Happy New Year Ayahuasca! June 16, 2024 Cal brings in the New Year with a conversation that takes his friend Natalie Baird-King from hell to heaven. After getting overwhelmed by
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Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King

Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 This chapter focuses on the challenges of mediating cases that involve narcissistic individuals, particularly in the context of legal disputes.
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Healing Through Forgiveness with Natalie Baird-King

Healing Through Forgiveness with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 Next 4 Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma
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Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing?

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing? June 16, 2024 Have you ever been ambushed by the feeling of forgiveness at a show? It’s crazy, and
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How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains the topic of domestic abuse. DISCLAIMER: You should always consult a licensed physician or
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Happy New Year Ayahuasca!

Happy New Year Ayahuasca! June 16, 2024 Cal brings in the New Year with a conversation that takes his friend Natalie Baird-King from hell to heaven. After getting overwhelmed by
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Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King

Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 This chapter focuses on the challenges of mediating cases that involve narcissistic individuals, particularly in the context of legal disputes.
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INICIVOX Career Workshop

INICIVOX Career Workshop

How can you avoid feeling awkward when family members start asking career advancement questions when you really haven’t advanced that much? What’s the best way to set boundaries on what you want to share about your career? How can you feel more confident and in control about what you want to share with family members? Our #relationship#mentors share their expert advice on how to process family career questions and respond confidently.

Mentor Panelists:

Natalie Baird-King, Esq.

Author, “Forgiving Unforgivable”

Founder, Natalie Baird Mediations

Founder, Forgiving Unforgivable

Suezette Yasmin Robotham, M.S.

Talent Acquisition

Tech Executive

Chloe Carmichael, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist & Anxiety Expert

Author, Nervous Energy Book

USA Today Bestselling Author

Founder & Head of Practice, Dr. Chloe


Amy Summers

Founder & Director, INICIVOX®

Founder & President, Pitch Publicity®

At INICIVOX® our goal is to equalize mentorship through virtual means, simplifying the process of connecting with mentors. We remove barriers and create more access, delivering mentorship to accelerate your career development, regardless of your current stage. Our mentorship format is a win-win, providing mentees valuable insights for immediate career growth and enabling mentors to reach a broader audience, unlike the less accessible one-on-one “let’s grab coffee” approach of the past.

Missed the live session? Access recorded #Mentor#SkillShare sessions with unlimited playback when you subscribe to the INICIVOX® mentorship platform: www.INICIVOX.COM.#MentorshipInMinutes#INICIVOX#VirtualMentorship



Local woman writes book about how to get past trauma with forgiveness

Local woman writes book about how to get past trauma with forgiveness ​ June 25, 2024 TAMPA, Fla. — Natalie Baird-King is the author of “Forgiving Unforgivable,” a book about
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Working Women Wednesday: Domestic Violence Awareness Edition with Natalie Baird #TheNowTampaBay

Working Women Wednesday: Domestic Violence Awareness Edition with Natalie Baird #TheNowTampaBay June 16, 2024 Natalie tells us how she went from domestic violence victim, to survivor, to advocate. She’s got
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HerStory: Natalie Baird-King

HerStory: Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 “I am 53 years old. I grew up in a mid-sized town in Florida called Lakeland and have been living in the Tampa Bay
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TEDxBradenton: Rewriting the future through forgiveness

TEDxBradenton: Rewriting the future through forgiveness June 16, 2024 NOTE FROM TED: This talk discusses abuse and suicidal ideation. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give
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How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains the topic of domestic abuse.

DISCLAIMER: You should always consult a licensed physician or therapist if you are struggling with mental health issues. This is not medical advice and is based solely on mine and Natalie’s personal experiences.

We all know the power of forgiveness, but most of us don’t know how to forgive someone, especially ourselves. In a heartfelt interview with Author and Speaker Natalie Baird-King, we discuss her incredible journey to forgiving her abusive father after his unexpected death in 2012, as well as her new book on forgiveness.

Order Natalie’s new book here!

Forgiving Unforgivable: The Four Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma, Stand Empowered, and Step Into Purpose

Natalie’s TedX Bradenton talk is not yet available. I will post as soon as it is released!


1:30 Natalie’s history with domestic violence

3:00 Natalie’s struggles with the effects of domestic violence

6:00 How and why to put it all out there and be vulnerable with others

9:15 4 Steps to finding Forgiveness- HOPE

10:35 Step 1: Hark back, recall the memory of the past as an observer

12:15 How our bodies and minds suppress fear and pain from the past

14:00 Different techniques to bring forth suppressed memories from the past so we can process and release them

16:55 How to center yourself around the memory through meditation

18:25 DMT’s role in bringing forth suppressed memories

21:00 Natalie’s first experience with domestic violence and her dark closet

23:00 Everybody has a dark closet and a traumatic event

25:30 Climbing up our mountains and releasing past versions of ourselves

27:00 Our goal on this Earth before we pass is to find love for ourselves, because when we find love, we can share that, and then other people can find their own love and they can forgive and find freedom.

27:40 Step 2: Open our hearts and feel the emotion associated with the traumatic event.

28:40 Unless you can understand what those emotions are, you can’t release them.

29:30 Step 3: Proclaiming forgiveness isn’t for anybody except you.

33:45 Step 4: Experience the freedom and release the emotions of the past.

35:00 Physical benefits of forgiveness

40:00 Research behind the physical benefits of meditation

44:30 Research supporting alternatives to traditional forms of mental health treatment

47:45 Natalie’s experience during her Ayahuasca ceremony at Rythmia Life Advancement Center

56:00 Conclusion

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing?

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing? June 16, 2024 Have you ever been ambushed by the feeling of forgiveness at a show? It’s crazy, and
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Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story

Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story June 16, 2024 Can you imagine forging an iron will and becoming an advocate after going through child abuse and
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Happy New Year Ayahuasca!

Happy New Year Ayahuasca! June 16, 2024 Cal brings in the New Year with a conversation that takes his friend Natalie Baird-King from hell to heaven. After getting overwhelmed by
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Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King

Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 This chapter focuses on the challenges of mediating cases that involve narcissistic individuals, particularly in the context of legal disputes.
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Healing Through Forgiveness with Natalie Baird-King

Healing Through Forgiveness with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 Next 4 Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma
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Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing?

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing? June 16, 2024 Have you ever been ambushed by the feeling of forgiveness at a show? It’s crazy, and
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Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story

Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story June 16, 2024 Can you imagine forging an iron will and becoming an advocate after going through child abuse and
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Happy New Year Ayahuasca!

Happy New Year Ayahuasca! June 16, 2024 Cal brings in the New Year with a conversation that takes his friend Natalie Baird-King from hell to heaven. After getting overwhelmed by
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Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King

Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 This chapter focuses on the challenges of mediating cases that involve narcissistic individuals, particularly in the context of legal disputes.
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Happy New Year Ayahuasca!

Happy New Year Ayahuasca!

Cal brings in the New Year with a conversation that takes his friend Natalie Baird-King from hell to heaven. After getting overwhelmed by patterns of abuse that stemmed from her childhood, Natalie became a lawyer to defend similar victims. But it was her medicinal use of ayahuasca that, she says, actually took her to heaven, taught her how to forgive and how to teach others to make peace with the past. It’s a great way to start a new year! Cheers!

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing?

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing? June 16, 2024 Have you ever been ambushed by the feeling of forgiveness at a show? It’s crazy, and
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Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story

Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story June 16, 2024 Can you imagine forging an iron will and becoming an advocate after going through child abuse and
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How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains the topic of domestic abuse. DISCLAIMER: You should always consult a licensed physician or
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Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King

Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 This chapter focuses on the challenges of mediating cases that involve narcissistic individuals, particularly in the context of legal disputes.
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Healing Through Forgiveness with Natalie Baird-King

Healing Through Forgiveness with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 Next 4 Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma
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Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing?

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing? June 16, 2024 Have you ever been ambushed by the feeling of forgiveness at a show? It’s crazy, and
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Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story

Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story June 16, 2024 Can you imagine forging an iron will and becoming an advocate after going through child abuse and
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How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains the topic of domestic abuse. DISCLAIMER: You should always consult a licensed physician or
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Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King

Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 This chapter focuses on the challenges of mediating cases that involve narcissistic individuals, particularly in the context of legal disputes.
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Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King

Navigating Narcissism in Mediation with Natalie Baird-King

This chapter focuses on the challenges of mediating cases that involve narcissistic individuals, particularly in the context of legal disputes. I share insights on the nature of narcissism, emphasizing the difficulty in getting narcissists to agree or see alternative viewpoints. I discuss strategies used to manage and settle disputes involving narcissists, such as valuing their contributions and giving them a sense of power through choices. The use of praise and strategic options is highlighted as effective in dealing with their black-and-white thinking. Additionally, I touch upon the logistics of mediation in my practice, including conducting sessions virtually via Zoom and in separate rooms to facilitate the process.

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing?

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing? June 16, 2024 Have you ever been ambushed by the feeling of forgiveness at a show? It’s crazy, and
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Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story

Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story June 16, 2024 Can you imagine forging an iron will and becoming an advocate after going through child abuse and
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How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains the topic of domestic abuse. DISCLAIMER: You should always consult a licensed physician or
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Happy New Year Ayahuasca!

Happy New Year Ayahuasca! June 16, 2024 Cal brings in the New Year with a conversation that takes his friend Natalie Baird-King from hell to heaven. After getting overwhelmed by
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Healing Through Forgiveness with Natalie Baird-King

Healing Through Forgiveness with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 Next 4 Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma
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Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing?

Can A Concert Be A Catalyst for Forgiveness and Emotional Healing? June 16, 2024 Have you ever been ambushed by the feeling of forgiveness at a show? It’s crazy, and
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Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story

Unleashing the Liberating Power of Forgiveness: Natalie Baird King’s Story June 16, 2024 Can you imagine forging an iron will and becoming an advocate after going through child abuse and
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How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains the topic of domestic abuse. DISCLAIMER: You should always consult a licensed physician or
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Happy New Year Ayahuasca!

Happy New Year Ayahuasca! June 16, 2024 Cal brings in the New Year with a conversation that takes his friend Natalie Baird-King from hell to heaven. After getting overwhelmed by
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TEDxBradenton: Rewriting the future through forgiveness

TEDxBradenton: Rewriting the future through forgiveness

NOTE FROM TED: This talk discusses abuse and suicidal ideation. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:… The impacts of unforgiveness and how forgiveness can rewrite the future for their lives and generations to come. Natalie Baird-King is a survivor of childhood abuse and domestic violence. As a result of a boyfriend breaking her arm over 30 years ago, she pivoted her degree to be a dentist to becoming an attorney. She has spent much of her life and career educating others about domestic abuse and the impacts it has on children, teenagers, adolescents, and adults. She has been a speaker in over 70 keynotes, seminars, workshops, and panel members, many related to education and her life’s story about domestic abuse. Natalie is a Board Certified Marital and Family Law attorney who has who has been practicing for over 20 years. She is highly respected in her field and has litigated hundreds of family law matters. Natalie has also devoted her practice to family law mediations and has mediated over a thousand of family law cases and assisted families to resolve their cases versus the choosing to litigate their cases. Natalie has recently authored her book Forgiving Unforgivable-The 4 Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma, Stand Empowered, and Step into Purpose which is due Summer 2023. She is known as an expert at forgiveness. Through her journey, she has discovered the key to freedom through forgiveness. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Local woman writes book about how to get past trauma with forgiveness

Local woman writes book about how to get past trauma with forgiveness ​ June 25, 2024 TAMPA, Fla. — Natalie Baird-King is the author of “Forgiving Unforgivable,” a book about
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Working Women Wednesday: Domestic Violence Awareness Edition with Natalie Baird #TheNowTampaBay

Working Women Wednesday: Domestic Violence Awareness Edition with Natalie Baird #TheNowTampaBay June 16, 2024 Natalie tells us how she went from domestic violence victim, to survivor, to advocate. She’s got
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HerStory: Natalie Baird-King

HerStory: Natalie Baird-King June 16, 2024 “I am 53 years old. I grew up in a mid-sized town in Florida called Lakeland and have been living in the Tampa Bay
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INICIVOX Career Workshop

INICIVOX Career Workshop June 16, 2024 How can you avoid feeling awkward when family members start asking career advancement questions when you really haven’t advanced that much? What’s the best
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4 Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma

Healing Through Forgiveness with Natalie Baird-King

BLOOM (TAMPA) – In a world often marked by pain and hurt, forgiveness stands as a beacon of hope, offering a pathway to healing, empowerment, and purpose. At the forefront of this transformative journey is Natalie Baird-King, the author of “Forgiving Unforgivable: The 4 Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma, Stand Empowered, and Step into Purpose.” Natalie joined Gayle Guyardo the host of the global health and wellness show Bloom to share her personal experience of forgiveness, and shared with viewers how forgiveness can bring us freedom and purpose.


Natalie Baird-King is a survivor of childhood abuse and domestic violence. As a result of a boyfriend breaking her arm over 30 years ago, she pivoted her degree to be a dentist to becoming an attorney. She has spent much of her life and career educating others about domestic abuse and the impacts it has on children, teenagers, adolescents, and adults. She has been a speaker in over 70 keynotes, seminars, workshops, and panel members, many related to education and her life’s story about domestic abuse.


Natalie is a Board Certified Marital and Family Law attorney who has who has been practicing for over 20 years. She is highly respected in her field and has litigated hundreds of family law matters. Natalie has also devoted her practice to family law mediations and has mediated over a thousand of family law cases and assisted families to resolve their cases versus the choosing to litigate their cases.


Natalie shared how her father-in-law the late Peabodys, an Emmy award winning author and radio and television host, Larry King, played a role in encouraging her to write her book Forgiving Unforgivable-The 4 Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma, Stand Empowered, and Step into Purpose.

Natalie is now known nationwide as an expert at forgiveness. Through her journey, she has discovered the key to freedom is through forgiveness.


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